Some New Pages!

We have now added several new pages to the Travel Report section: 

Luanda Street Scenes - A collection of photos showing street vendors, crowded apartment buildings and traffic congestion in the capital of Angola.

The Likoni Ferry in Mombasa - Some pictures of this hard-worked ferry from an unusual viewpoint on our ship, showing the huge number of passengers that cram onto the old boat as it plies between Mombasa Island and the Kenyan mainland to the south.

The Whaling Town of Tórshavn - Some years ago we visited the Faroes and took pictures of the relics of whaling, including whale bones and harpoons, as well as the picturesque wooden Parliament building.

And we have made updates to the Ocean Life section:

Harbour Porpoises in Kerteminde - A collection of photographs of two captive harbour porpoises and several common seals at the Fjord & Bælt Centre in Kerteminde, Denmark.

Bay of Biscay - Photos taken during a research survey on a yacht off the northern coast of Spain in search of the elusive beaked whales.

Mozambique - Pictures of some of the marine wildlife we have encountered in two trips off the coast of Mozambique, including humpback whales, spinner dolphins, common and Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins and red-footed boobies.

We have also made a lot of corrections to our spelling and punctuation, thanks largely to our proof-reader Hester, who volunteered to help out with this tedious task. Thanks, Hester!

 All photos and content © Maren Reichelt & Mick Baines