Baines, M. & Weir, C. R. (2020): Predicting suitable coastal habitat for sei whales, southern right whales and dolphins around the Falkland Islands. PLOS ONE, 15(12), e0244068.
Baines, M.E., Reichelt, M. & Griffin, D. (2017): An autumn aggregation of fin (Balaenoptera physalus) and blue whales (B. musculus) in the Porcupine Seabight, southwest of Ireland. Deep Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 141:168-177.
Evans, P.G.H., Baines, M.E. & Anderwald, P. (2016): Cetacean stock assessment in North-west Europe in relation to exploration and production industry sounds. Sea Watch Foundation report to the E&P Sound and Marine Life Joint Industry Programme. 153pp.
Baines, M.E. & Reichelt, M. (2014): Upwellings, canyons and whales: An important winter habitat for balaenopterid whales off Mauritania, northwest Africa. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 14:57-67.
Weir, C.R., Coles, P., Ferguson, A., May, D., Baines, M.E., Figueirdo, I., Reichelt, M., Goncalves, L., De Boer, M., Rose, B., Edwards, M., Travers, S., Ambler, M., Félix, H., Wall, D., Azhakesan, V.A.A., Betenbaugh, M., Fennelly, L., Haaland, S., Hak, G., Juul, T., Leslie, R.W., McNamara, B., Russell, N., Smith, J.A., Tabisola, H.M., Teixeira, A., Vermeulen, E., Vines, J. and Williams, A. (2014): Clymene dolphins (Stenella clymene) in the eastern tropical Atlantic: distribution, group size, and pigmentation pattern. Journal of Mammalogy, 95(6):1289–1298
Evans, P.G.H. & Baines, M.E. (2013): A methodology to assess the sensitivity of marine mammals to different fishing activities and intensities. CCW Policy Research Report No 12/6. 83pp.
Baines, M.E. & Evans, P.G.H. (2012): Atlas of the Marine Mammals of Wales. CCW Monitoring Report No. 68. 2nd edition. 139pp.
Baines, M.E. & Reichelt, M. (2011): Does the legacy of 20th century naval warfare affect monitoring baselines for cetaceans in Europe? Poster presentation and Proceedings of the 25th Annual conference of the European Cetacean Society, Cadiz, Spain.
Evans, P. G. H., Baines, M.E. & Anderwald, P. (2011): Risk Assessment of Potential Conflicts between Shipping and Cetaceans in the ASCOBANS Region. 18th ASCOBANS Advisory Committee Meeting Document AC18/Doc.6-04 (S) rev.1. 32pp.
Evans, P.G.H, Baines, M.E., Anderwald, P., Jepson, P.D & Deaville, R. (2011): Using long-term datasets to assess the potential risk of ship strike to cetaceans in the ASCOBANS region. Proceedings of the 25th Annual conference of the European Cetacean Society, Cadiz, Spain.
Evans, P.G.H., Baines, M.E. & Coppock, J. (2011): Abundance and behaviour of cetaceans and basking sharks in the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters. Report by Hebog Environmental Ltd & Sea Watch Foundation. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 419.
Feingold, D., Baines, M. & Evans, P.G.H. (2011): Cardigan Bay bottlenose dolphin social and population structure. Poster at the 25th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Cadiz, Spain.
Evans, P.G.H. & Baines, M.E. (2010): Mapping Marine Mammal Distributions For Conservation Management. Poster at the 24th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Stralsund, Germany.
Pesante, G., Baines, M.E., Ugarte, F., Felce, T.H., Stone, E. & Evans, P.G.H. (2008): Residence patterns, site fidelity and population structure of bottlenose dolphins in Cardigan Bay, Wales. Talk at the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands.
Pesante, G., Evans, P.G.H., Baines, M.E. & McMath, M. (2008): Abundance and Life History Parameters of Bottlenose Dolphin in Cardigan Bay: Monitoring 2005-2007. CCW Marine Monitoring Report No: 61, 1-75.
Evans, P.G.H. & Baines, M.E. (2007): 2007 Biscay Cetacean Survey. Sea Watch Foundation, Oxford. 20pp.
Evans, P.G.H., Baines, M.E. & Ansmann, I. (2007): Common dolphin abundance survey, Celtic Deep, 2004–06. Report to Countryside Council for Wales. Sea Watch Foundation.
Pesante, G., Baines, M.E. Felce, T.H., Ugarte, F. & Evans, P.G.H. (2007): Trends of abundance of bottlenose dolphins and harbour porpoises in the Cardigan Bay Special Area of Conservation, Wales (2001-2006). Poster at the 21st Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, San Sebastian, Spain.
Baines, M.E., Reichelt, M., Anderwald, P., Nuuttila, H. & Evans, P.G.H. (2006): Cetacean sightings in Wales from 1990 to 2005. Wales Marine Mammal Newsletter No. 2. Countryside Council for Wales.
Baines, M.E., Reichelt, M., Anderwald, P. & Evans, P.G.H. (2006): Monitoring a changing world – searching the past for long-term trends in the occurrence of cetaceans around the UK. Poster presentation and Proceedings of the 20th Annual conference of the European Cetacean Society, Gdynia, Poland.
Liret, C., Baines, M.E., Evans, P.G.H., Hammond, P.S. & Wilson, B. (2006): Atlantic bottlenose dolphins: conservation and management. Oceanopolis, Brest, France. 56pp.
Nuuttila, H.K., James, E., Anderwald, P., Baines, M. & Evans, P.G.H. (2006): Changes in the summer distribution of cetaceans in the UK from data collected during simultaneous national whale and dolphin watches 2002-05. Proceedings of the 20th Annual conference of the European Cetacean Society, Gdynia, Poland.
Simon, M., Baines, M.E., Reyes Zamudio, M.M., Nuuttila, H. & Evans, P.G.H. (2006): Temporal and spatial habitat partitioning between harbour porpoises and bottlenose dolphins. Proceedings of the 20th Annual conference of the European Cetacean Society, Gdynia, Poland.
Baines, M.E. & Evans, P.G.H. (2005): Sea Watch Foundation Database Manual. Sea Watch Foundation, Oxford 40pp.
Baines, M.E., Anderwald, P., Reichelt, M. & Evans, P.G.H. (2005): Cetacean sightings in Wales from 1990 to 2004. Wales Marine Mammal Newsletter No. 1, May 2005. Countryside Council for Wales.
Baines, M., Reichelt, M. & Evans, P.G.H. (2005): Investigation of harbour porpoise and bottlenose dolphin ecology in Cardigan Bay, UK, using model based spatial analyses. Proceedings of the 19th Annual conference of the European Cetacean Society, La Rochelle, France.
Perez, S., Lott, R., Stone, E., Luque, P., Hartley, S., Evans, P.G.H., Baines, M., Reichelt, M., Baxter, J. & Ugarte, F. (2005): Long-term site fidelity of bottlenose dolphins in Cardigan Bay, Wales. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, La Rochelle, France.
Reichelt, M. & Baines, M. (2005): Beaches, bones and beasts – searching for strandings in north-west Africa. Poster presentation and Proceedings of the 19th Annual conference of the European Cetacean Society, La Rochelle, France.
Evans, P.G.H., Anderwald, P & Baines, M.E. (2003): UK Cetacean Status Review. Report to English Nature and Countryside Council for Wales by Sea Watch Foundation, Oxford. 160pp.
Baines, M.E., Reichelt, M., Evans, P.G.H. & Shepherd, B. (2002): Bottlenose dolphin studies in Cardigan Bay, West Wales. Final Report to EU INTERREG and the Countryside Council for Wales. 18pp.
Baines, M.E., Evans P.G.H., Reichelt, M. & Shepherd, B. (2002): Comparison of the abundance and distribution of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) and bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Cardigan Bay, UK. Proceedings of the 16th Annual European Cetacean Society Conference, Liège, Belgium.
Reichelt, M. (2002): Ecological factors determining the habitat use of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Cardigan Bay, Wales. MSc Thesis, University of Bremen, Germany. 146pp.
Reichelt, M., Baines, M.E., Evans, P.G.H. & Shepherd, B. (2002): The ecological consequences of group size in the Cardigan Bay bottlenose dolphins. Poster presentation and Proceedings of the 16th Annual conference of the European Cetacean Society, Liège, Belgium.
Evans P.G.H., Baines, M.E., Reichelt, M. & Shepherd, B. (2002): Studying bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) abundance, distribution, habitat use and home range size in Cardigan Bay: implications for SAC management. Proceedings of the 16th Annual European Cetacean Society Conference, Liege.
Evans, P.G.H., Shepherd, B., Baines, M.E. & Hartley, S. (2001): Establishing methods to measure the quality of bottlenose dolphin habitats in a Special Area of Conservation in Wales. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Rome, Italy
Evans, P.G.H., Baines, M.E. & Shepherd, B. (2001): Bottlenose dolphin prey and habitat sampling trials in Cardigan Bay. Report for the Countryside Council for Wales. Sea Watch Foundation, Oxford. 67pp.
Hammond, P.S. Wilson, B., Baines, M.E. Evans, P.G.H. Liret, C. & Shepherd, B. (2001): Contrasting spatio-temporal habitat use by bottlenose dolphins: conservation and management implications. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Rome, Italy.
Baines, M.E. (2000): Comparative trials of acoustic and visual monitoring methods for bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in the Cardigan Bay cSAC. Countryside Council for Wales Contract Science Report.
Baines, M.E., Evans, P.G.H. & Shepherd, B. (2000): Bottlenose dolphins in Cardigan Bay, West Wales. Sea Watch Foundation unpublished report to the European Union INTERREG Programme.
Evans, P.G.H., Baines, M.E. & Shepherd, B. (2000): Bottlenose dolphin prey and habitat sampling trials. Countryside Council for Wales: Contract Science Report.
Hochkirch, A., Groening, J., Loos, T., Metzing, C. & Reichelt, M. (2000): Specialised diet and feeding habits as key factors for the habitat requirements of the grasshopper species Tetrix subulata (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae). Entomolgia Generalis, 01/2000, 25(1):39-51
Baines, M.E. & Earl, S.J. (1999): Breeding Seabird Surveys of South-west Wales Colonies, 1996-98. CCW Sea Empress contract.
Baines, M.E., Earl, S.J., Pierpoint, C.J.L., Lidgard, D.C., Kiely, O. & Hiby, A.R. (1999): Investigating the movements of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) between Wales and Ireland using photo-identification. Proceedings of the 13th Annual European Cetacean Society Conference, Valencia, Spain.
Baines, M.E., Tregenza, N.J.C. & Pierpoint, C.J.L. (1999): Field trials of the POD – a self-contained, submersible, acoustic data-logger. Proceedings of the 13th Annual European Cetacean Society Conference, Valencia, Spain.
Pierpoint, C.J.L., Baines, M.E., Earl, S.J., Harris, R. & Tregenza, N.J.C. (1999): Night- life of the harbour porpoise. Proceedings of the 13th Annual European Cetacean Society Conference, Valencia, Spain.
Baines, M.E., Earl, S.J. & Pierpoint, C. (1996): The distribution of cetacean sightings recorded during the West Wales Grey Seal Census. Proceedings of the 10thAannual European Cetacean Society Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
Baines, M.E., Pierpoint, C. & Earl, S.J., (1997): A Cetacean Sightings Database for Wales and an Evaluation of Impacts on Cetaceans from the Sea Empress Oil Spill. CCW Sea Empress contract.
Baines, M.E., Earl, S.J., Pierpoint, C. &Poole, J. (1995): The West Wales Grey Seal Census. Countryside Council for Wales: Contract Science Report 131.
Baines, M.E. (1994): Grey seals in west Wales. British Wildlife, 5: 341-348.
Baines, M.E. (1993): Marine mammal monitoring during the seismic exploration of block 107/21 in Cardigan Bay, Autumn 1993. Unpublished report to Dyfed Wildlife Trust.
Hardisty, M.W. & Baines, M.E. (1971): The ultrastructure of a cyclostomes interrenal. Experientia Vol. 27, Issue 9, pp.1072-75.